• Editorial Office- 104, Kashyap Narayan Kunj, Bailey Road, Patna -800014
  • +91 6122590326

About Society


Society of Upliftment of Rural Economy (SURE), Varanasi was established on 21.02.2006 (Registration No. 1597/2005-2006) is registered with NGO Darpan of NITI Aayog (UP/2018/0196680) and The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) (UPAV00004748). The working area of this institute is all over India with an objective to upscale the rural economy.

    • The society publishes an Agricultural based multidisciplinary journal i.e. Journal of AgriSearch an International Peer-reviewed quarterly (https://jsure.org.in/) which has been evaluated and listed by National Academy of Agricultural Science New Delhi (Sr. No: J012/ NAAS Score: 4.41). 
    • The society also published Hindi half yearly technical/popular magazine Krishi Manjusha (https://jsure.org.in/krishi-manjusha/).
    • Apart from this, society has successfully organised International Conference during 30th October to 01st November 2018 at Birla Institute of Technology, Patna (https://jsure.org.in/RLISAAe/) as well as one National Conference during 12-13 March 2016 at Central potato Research Station Patna (https://jsure.org.in/RLISAAe/previous-year-conference/).

    The Journal of Agri Search is determined to present the premium platform for researchers and scholars globally to share                    their latest       outcome. The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following disciplines –

          1. Agricultural Economics
          2. Agricultural Engineering including Irrigation and Water Management, Land Use and Planning
          3. Agricultural Extension
          4. Agronomy Including Soil Science and Agrometeorology
          5. Animal Science and Dairy
          6. Aquaculture and Fisheries
          7. Biological Engineering including Genetic Engineering and Microbiology
          8. Crop Protection
          9. Food Science and Home Science
          10. Horticulture and Plantation Crop
          11. Plant Breeding and Genetics
          12. Plant Science
          13. Theoretical Production Ecology and Environmental Impacts of Agriculture and Forestry