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Open Access Policy

Journal of AgriSearch

Open Access Policy

Open access stands for the free and permanent access to published research, combined with clear guidelines for readers to share and use the content. There are two main types of open access: gold and green.There are two main types of open access: gold and green. What is the difference between gold and green?

  • Free public access to the final published article.
  • Access is immediate and permanent
  • Free public access to a version of your article.
  • Time delay may apply (embargo period).
  • Open access fee is paid by the author, or on their
    behalf (for example by a funding body).
  • No fee is payable by the author, as costs
    are covered by library subscriptions.
  • Determined by your user license
  • Authors retain the right to use their articles for a wide range
    of purposes. All open versions of your article should have
    a user license attached.
  • Publish in an open access journal.
  • Publish in a journal that supports open access
    (also known as a hybrid journal).
  • Link to your article.
  • For selected journals Elsevier makes the articles freely
    available after an embargo period in the open archives.
  • Self-archive your manuscript
Source: https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/78492/openaccessbooklet.pdf

Journal of AgriSearch follows GOLD OPEN ACCESS policy meaning everyone can read all the content online for free.