Performance of Coriander, Fenugreek and Soya as Intercrop under Gladiolus based Intercropping system


  • KUNVAR MANVENDRA PRATAP SINGH Department of Horticulture SHIATS, Allahabad


The field experiment was planned and conducted during rabi season 2011-2012 to 2012-2013 at research farm of Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Science, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh India, with three intercropping crop on growth and herbage yield. Experiment consisted 8 treatments each replicated thrice and laid in RBD. The result obtained from the experiment show that three crop significantly affected the growth parameters of coriander, fenugreek and soya such as seed germination, plant height, number of leaves per plant and number of branches per plant were found to be higher under coriander sole, fenugreek sole and as well as soya sole cropping. Sole cropping of coriander, fenugreek and soya not only gave best seed germination but also produced taller plant, more leaves and branches per plant, leading to higher herbage yield. Gladiolus yield attributes and yield were improved under intercropping as compare to sole cropping system.

Author Biographies

KUNVAR MANVENDRA PRATAP SINGH, Department of Horticulture SHIATS, Allahabad

Dr. Devi Singh 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Horticulture 

SHIATS, Allahabad




Dr. Devi Singh 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Horticulture 

SHIATS, Allahabad




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