Effects of stale seedbed and subsequent application of herbicides on weeds and productivity of jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) fibre

tale seedbed and subsequent application of herbicides on weeds and productivity of jute




A field experiment was conducted to find out suitable weed management practice for control of broad spectrum weeds in jute during 2015 and 2016. Seven weed management practices viz., T1: Farmers practices , T2: Stale seed bed (SSB) + glyphosate 41% SL 1.25 kg/ha, T3: SSB+ glyphosate 1.75 kg/ha, T4: SSB + glyphosate 1.25 kg/ha + pretilachlor 50% EC 1.0 kg/ha, T5: SSB +glyphosate 1.75kg/ha + pretilachlor 1.0 kg/ha, T6: SSB + glyphosate 1.25 kg/ha+ butachlor 50 % EC 1.0 kg/ha and T7: SSB + glyphosate 1.75 kg/ha +  butachlor 1.0 kg/ha were tested in randomised block design (RBD) with three replication. Cyperus rotundus was dominant weed species with 60-75 % of relative density in experimental field. SSB + glyphosate 1.75 kg/ha + pretilachlor 1.0 kg/ha effectively controlled density and dry weight of Cyperus rotundus, grass weeds (Echinocloa colonum and Eleusine indica), broad leaved weeds (Physalis minima, and Trianthema portulacastrum) compared to farmers’ practices. SSB + glyphosate 1.75 kg/ha + pretilachlor 1.0 kg/ha also recorded the highest plant height (293 cm and 335 cm), basal diameter (2.14 and 2.19 cm) and fibre yield (34.9 and 38.9 q/ha) of jute during 2015 and 2016. This treatment also recorded the highest net income ( Rs 54182 and 75687/ha)  and benefit-cost ratio (1.23 and 1.46) in jute cultivation during 2015 and 2016, Therefore, SSB with glyphosate 1.75 kg/ha + pretilachlor 1.0 kg/ha may be practiced for effective weeds control specially  Cyperus rotundus, higher productivity and income in  jute cultivation.


