Influences of Phosphorus and Sulphur on Yield and Quality of Black Gram (Physiolus mungo L).




Sixteen treatments were replicated thrice times in Randomized Block Design. Black gram variety Pant Urd-35 was taken as test crop. The data revealed that 45 kg/ha phosphorus and 30 kg/ha sulphur significantly increased growth parameters such as plant height, number of branches and dry matter accumulation. The same treatment combination proved most effective in improving the yield and yield attributing characters viz. number of pods, number of grains per pod, grains weight per plant, test weight, grain and straw yield. Application of 60 kg P and 45 kg S/ha produced highest grain and straw yield along with nutrients content and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur over rest of the treatments. However, this treatment was at par with the application of 45 kg P and 30 kg S/ha. A considerable buildup of soil fertility was also noted in this treatment. However, benefit: cost ratio was maximum with P45S30 treatments combination. Thus, recommendation of 45 kg P and 30 kg S/ha can be made to the farmer’s of eastern Uttar Pradesh for obtaining good yield; net rerun and fertility build up of soil. 

Author Biographies


Department of Soil Science, NDUA&T FAIZABAD (UP)-224229




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