A Study on the Impact of ICTs on Education and its Relationship with Socio-demographic Profile of Students

Impact of ICTs on Education and Socio-demography of Students


  • ARUN KUMAR SINGH BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India




Socio-demographic profile, Impact, ICTs, Education


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which refers to a range of technologies that enable the processing, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information. These technologies include hardware, software, telecommunications networks, and other digital tools that facilitate communication and the exchange of data. The present study was conducted to find out the impact of ICTs on Education and its relationship with the Socio-demographic profile of Students. Two hundred thirty-five students were selected based on the proportion to the size of the population from four SAUs. The collected data were analyzed using the chi-square test to find out the impact of ICTs and their relationship on each independent variable. The findings of the study revealed that the majority (61.70%) of the students belonged to the 20 – 24 years age group. The majority of students (64.26%) were male, while 35.74 % were female. The majority of the (77.44%) students had a family annual income between Rs. 156733 to 553403 and less than half of the (46.38%) students had a medium level of mass media exposure. The results further revealed that the education of students (0.001), the educational background of the students father (.010), the educational background of the students mother (0.000), and Mass Media exposure (0.004), were positively associated at 0.05 % level of significance due to the impact of ICTs. It means four variables significantly exert their influence on the impact of ICTs.

Author Biographies


Teaching Associate, Deptt. of Agricultural Extension Education

ARUN KUMAR SINGH, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Professor, Deptt. of Extension Education


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